Shapeoko 3 Has Arrived

I worked from home this afternoon so that I could be here to take delivery of my Shapeoko 3. It arrived about 1:00.

I immediately opened the box and took some pictures. I guess this is the “unboxing” post.

The very nice looking box.
The very nice looking box.

The top layer. Very nice foam inserts to hold all the parts. It even comes with all the tools you need!
The top layer. Very nice foam inserts to hold all the parts. It even comes with all the tools you need!
All the main parts from the first layer. I forgot to add the bags to the picture.
All the main parts from the first layer. I forgot to add the bags to the picture.
The second layer. More custom cut foam.
The second layer. More custom cut foam.
The second layer. Large extrusions, motors and electronics.
The second layer. Large extrusions, motors and electronics.

There was a third layer but it was just the two pieces of MDF for the base of the machine. I’ll start assembling it later today and take lots more photos as I go.