RS Resurrection – Getting Closer

I did some more work on the RS over the last few days. It’s starting to look like real progress is happening.


Over the last couple of days I have:

  • Run the throttle and choke cables
  • Installed the carburetors
  • Installed the rear wheel
  • Installed the rear fender
  • Installed the saddle bag racks
  • Installed a new oil pan gasket
  • Filled the transmission, drive shaft and final drive with oil
  • Started cleaning the K&N air filter (it’s filthy)

I took some photos of the oil pan.

Before cleaning:


After cleaning:


Not perfect, but much nicer.

Unfortunately I discovered that the neutral switch, which screws into the bottom of the transmission, is leaking transmission oil. Damn it. I have to pull the whole rear end off again to replace that. I think I’m going to ignore it for a little while.

I have on order a battery, braided brake lines and brake pads.

I still need to get an oil filter, spark plugs and probably some oil.

It’s getting closer to done!